Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Jutland Peninsula

Brian is serving in Esbjerg an old fishing harbor in the southwestern coast of Jutland. The area population is about 80,000 and Esbjerg is the fifth largest city in Denmark. They have no bikes or car, so rely on public transportation. Richard's family is from Hjorring which is at the northern tip of the Jutland peninsula.

Brian reports, "Wow, it is cold here. I thought I was going to die as we walked around Copenhagen that first day. Everything is going great here, I am so excited to be here, but I am still scared out of my mind. I don't understand much of what people are saying, so I am pretty quiet in our appointments... The hardest thing about learning Danish here is that everyone speaks English. In our ward here there is only about five people who don't speak English."

According to Brian President Andersen and his family are "the best in the world." And no wonder...Sister Andersen serves slices of chocolate on rolls for breakfast! While in Copenhagen, Brian was able to see Swedan. He said the ocean was freezing on the edges and that sometimes it freezes all the way between the two countries.

Elder Nielsen, Brian's companion, is from Iowa. He spent two years prior to his mission in Germany. He happens to have a girlfriend from before his mission who lives in the Copenhagen area, so he is banished to the Jutland peninsula.

Elder Nielsen writes about Brian, "His ambition and courage has been a very useful asset to your missionary work. He has drive and works hard and sharing testimonies that are personal and touching. His skills as a missionary have progressed leaps and bounds within a short period of time. That also goes for his language skills. His good attitude and sense of humor have already begun to win the hearts of many members."

Friday, December 3, 2010

Warms a Mother's Heart

Still don't know where Brian has been assigned for his first area. But thanks to a very nice couple who sent the following message and this picture, we know he is being fed.

Dear parents.

Yesterday we had Elder Nielsen and Elder Bailey to dinner and thought that it could be nice for you to have a photo. Elder Bailey has just arrived to Denmark. We admire the missionaries and the work they do here in Denmark. It is no always easy. They are both wonderful young men. Thank you for sending them here on mission. We have a gradson on mission in Ogden and our thoughts go to him when we see the missionaries here.

We send you our best Christmas greetings.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tracting in Denmark

I recieved a generic e-mail along with this photo from the mission office letting me know that Brian arrived in Denmark. The photo is assurance since the e-mail just said "your missionary." We got to talk to Brian on Monday during his layover in NYC. It was good to hear his voice and his excitement, though he was pretty stressed about the travel. He has not had much flying experience and he was the travel leader.

Since Brian wasn't able to email last week he caught us up on his last week at the MTC. He got in one more trip to Costco and the Dr's office, a final Sunday devotional sitting with Matt and a memorable Thanksgiving...MTC style. Thanksgiving day begain with an "awesome" devotional with Elder Holland. They were served dinner at 11:30 a.m. (by some very nice people I might add). Then they worked on their humanitarian project all afternoon (school kits). Brain and his companion were leaders for this project and featured in the instructional video. Brian says he is going down in MTC history as this video will be used for years to come...

Brian also told us what was on the agenda after arrival in Denmark. They were met in the Copenhagen airport by the mission president and the APs. Then the APs took them downtown to tract for an hour (with their MTC companion)...with no sleep I might add, it is now Tuesday in Copenhagen. Brian was actually very excited about this. He did speak a little Danish to us over the phone...it sounded more like Tongan to me, but what do I know. Finally, they would go on to the mission home to spend their first night. Wednesday they would be picked up by their trainers and travel to their assigned areas. So right now, Brian is probably settling in for his first night in some mystery location in Denmark. I guess we will learn more next Monday (P-day).